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This collection is dated October/November 1939. Each sheet is long enough that they are offered both at original length as well as split in half for easier printing.

USS Cimarron - Sheet 1

Poop Deck, Super Deck, Upper Deck, Forecastle Deck, Bridges and Platforms, Compartment and Access, and General Arrangement

Sheet 1 A | Sheet 1 B

USS Cimarron - Sheet 2

Inboard profile, Compartment Access

Sheet 2 A | Sheet 2 B

USS Cimarron - Sheet 3

Main Deck, Compartment Access and General Arrangement

Sheet 3 A | Sheet 3 B

USS Cimarron - Sheet 4

Compartment Access and General Arrangement, Platform Decks and Flats

Sheet 4 A | Sheet 4 B

USS Cimarron - Sheet 5

Compartment Access and General Arrangement, Hold

Sheet 5 A | Sheet 5 B


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