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References: 1. In reference (a), the Commanding Officer, LEXINGTON requested the approval of an alteration to increase the gasoline storage capacity in that ship by conversion of certain water ballast tanks. In forwarding this correspondence, the Commanding Officer, SARATOGA and Commander Aircraft, Battle Force expressed the opinion that the present gasoline stowage is sufficient for war operations and is consonant with the fuel capacity of these two ships. 2. As was suggested in reference (c), the Bureau has made an evaluation of the gasoline capacity and steaming radius of the several carriers in service. These data are furnished below and are based on information available to the Bureau on fuel oil and gasoline consumption for the second and third quarters of the fiscal year 1942. 3. The analysis made in determining fuel oil and gasoline endurance is as follows: (a) SARATOGA and LEXINGTON-(Data obtained from LEXINGTON Reports) Total Fuel oil Available2,030,000 gals. Cruising Radius: - (Fuel Oil) From Average of Quarterly Reports
From Actual Operations Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,1942
Cruising Radiuss - (Fuel Oil) From Average of Quarterly Reports
From Actual Operations Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,1942
(b) YORKTOWN, ENTERPRISE, and HORNET-(Data based on average Total Fuel Oil Available (+ Diesel) 1,627,000 gals. Cruising Radius: - (Fuel Oil) * (Diesel) From Average of Quarterly Reports
From Actual Operations Jan.,Feb.,Mar.,1942
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(b) WASP Total Fuel Oil Available (+ Diesel) 1,022,600 gals. Cruising Radius: - (Fuel Oil) * (Diesel) From Average of Quarterly Reports
4. In consultation with the Bureau of Aeronautics, it appears that the new aircraft now in production for use in the fleet are beivig equipped with engines having a far greater power output than the engines now mounted and on which the above gasoline consumption data were obtained. The Bureau of Aeronautics states further that it is expected these consumption rates will be approximately doubled in the next nine to twelve months, which will have the effect of reducing gasoline endurance as computed above by approximately one-half. In view of this fact and an analysis of the above data, it appears to tha Bureau that some increase in gasoline stowage capacity in aircraft carriers in servie will bo necessary in the near future in order to maintain a gasoline endurance cormorant with fuel oil endurance. - 3 -
5. The changes to provide additional gasoline stowage tanks in these ships will be of necessity very extensive in nature, and any increase in gasoline would htve to be compensated for by a reduction in ether consumables on account of existing displacement limitations. For this reason, a thorough investigation of this subject is considered essential before such steps are taken by the bureau. It is requested, therefore, that the type commanders addressed review this situation for the ships under their respective commands and furnish to the Bureau such additional comments as they desire to make. It is further requested that where additional gasoline capacity is considered necessary, recommended locations for additional gasoline tank compartments be furnished for the individual ships involved.
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