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2. It is assumed from paragraph 2(a), of reference (a) that it is intended to eliminate the inner coaming as also proposed by reference (b). Regarding this feature, it is the Yard's opinion that retention of the inner coaming reduces the possibility of empty cases jamming between the rotating mount and the numerous projections on the stand and base ring. Such a condition might result in a cessation of gunfire at a critical time at the mount affected. As reference (b) was directed to the Bureau of Ordinance and the Bureau of Ships, it is considered advisable that any contemplated changes concerning empty case disposal be held in abeyance pending the Bureau's notion on reference (b).
CV/S74(272) An
3-Aug 1944 RESTRICTED 3. For information, and referring to reference (b), the features such as the passer's platform, sloped diversion plates and sweeping rake were discussed with the Bureaus during the development of plan, reference (d). Regearding the sloped diversion plates, observation indicates that they are highly desirable, as they materially assist in the disposal of empty cases during gun fire and eliminate the possibility of a pile-up under the mount. 4. Regarding the elimination of disposal holes located in the deck or gun platform to the inboard side of the mounts, as proposed in paragraph 2(a), of reference (a), it is recommended that holes be provided in all cases to cover the full firing arc of the gun, which may include the inboard side of the mount as for instance when the gun is elevated and rotated inboard. Under such conditions, the empty cases will discharge towards the inboard side of the mount. On this basis, the CV16 plans forwarded for use are considered correct as shown, as it will be noted that some holes have been omitted in accordance with the above. 5. The Yard concurs with paragraph 2(b), of reference (a) and Puget Sound Navy Yard plans will be modified accordingly and forwarded at an early date.
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1. Drawings and photographs of the empty case disposal arrangement for 40MM mounts numbers 3 and 4 on the USS Denver (CL58) are forwarded for the Bureau's consideration. Encls l, 2, and 3 show the installation as made in accordance with the type plan, Encl 4, which was developed by Navy Yard Puget Sound. Subsequent to making this installation the ship requested alterations to improve the safety conditions and the ammunition handling around the mount. The modified installation may be noted on Encls 5 and 6. 2. The original installation, as shown on Encls 1, 2 and 3, provides 33 inches between the outer and inner coamings for shell disposal and only about 24 inches between the outer coaming and the ready service bulwark stowage for a walkway. This arrangement creates the following conditions.
3. A study of the arrangement of the empty case chutes and the shell disposal indicates that, since the end of the outer case chute on a quad mount is only 62" from the centerline of the mount, the outer coaming needs to be only about 68 or 70 inches from the center of the mount instead of 78" as specified on Encl 4. The fact that the curved end of the ejection chute throws the cases downward precludes the necessity for the larger diameter of coaming. The additional 8 or 10 inches of walkway thus provided would greatly improve the conditions noted in paragraph 2. The narrower space between coamings would still permit deck openings of sufficient size to pass the empty cases.
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4. Ordalt 1380 provides an ammunition passers platform on the rear of the 40 MM quad mounts for the purpose of preventing the passer from stepping into the ammunition case chutes when foundations have been provided in accordance with Encl. 4. This Ordalt was not performed on the USS Denver for the Following reasons:
5. This Yard modified the Denver installation as noted on Encls. 5 and 6. The outer coaming was moved in 8". The diversion plates were removed since the were considered ineffective in aiding case disposal. The 15º to 20º slope on these plates would not cause a case to slide and would only be effective in the event that a case dropped in the exact position to roll to one of the deck openings. The inner coaming was removed to obtain access to the training rack as provided by Ordalt 1819. To prevent personnel stepping into the disposal holes in the deck a pipe rail guard was added both in the front and rear of the mount. The pipe guards in the deck openings noted on Encl. 4 were omitted since they would not prevent a man from stepping in the openings. A formed rod to act as a rake was added on either side at the front of the mount for the purpose of sweeping the empty cases into the disposal holes as the mount trains. This feature may be noted on Encls 5 and 7. 6. It is to be noted that the modified Denver installation results in a net decrease in topside weight of 700 lbs. per mount. The net weight accounts for the addition of pipe rails, the elimination of diversion plates, inner coaming and ammuntition passers platform, and a reduction in length of the outer coaming.
7. By copy of this letter it is requested that the Commanding Officer of the USS Denver (CL58) report on the effectiveness of the rakes and changes noted above and make appropriate recommendations to BuShips and BuOrd with copies to Navy Yard Puget Sound and this Yard. J. S. CRENSHAW Ordnance Superintendent
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27 June 1944
l. Reference (b) recommended that an expanded metal screen or light metal shield be installed on the front of 40nun Mounts Mark 2 to cover the portion of the empty case disposal chute area around the mount that is exposed between the front of the mount and the coaming around the chute area since this uncovered area, although it is beneath the gun barrels, was considered a hazard to loader personnel, particularly at night. 2. The Bureau of Ordnance concurs with the comment of reference (a) which stated that the hazards referred to in reference (b) are believed to be no greater than many others normally encountered aboard ship. 3. Reference (c) shows a guard rail which is designed to serve the same purpose as the cover recommended by reference (b) which, since it is well above the mount case deflectors and chutes, eliminates any of the complication with them that was anticipated in reference (a) and which reduces the additional on-mount weight for this personnel protection to a minimum.
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BB48/S74 (Re5d) 4. It is requested that the Navy Yard, Puget Sound, install guard rails in accordance with reference (c) an several vessels for experimental purposes. Vessels on which installations are made should be requested to comment on the effectiveness of the guard as a safety device. Comment should be forwarded direct to the Bureau of Ordnance with a copy to the Naval Gun Factor.
/s/ F. Entwistle
By Direction
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