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1. At 0301, 2 November 1943, a torpedo (probably launched by the Shiratsuyu class destroyer Samidare during the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay)detonation at about frame 203 on the rudder skeg destroyed all structure aft of frame 196, deflected upward the hull remaining aft of frame 182, and bent both propeller shafts so that the engines had to be stopped immediately (Photo 66, Plate 33). The main deck was wrinkled deeply and cracked in six places between frames 166 port and 170 starboard. These wrinkles continued in the shell plating down to the turn of the bilge, and there were similar deep wrinkles in the shell plating at frame 163 (Photo 67). Considerable damage to shell plating near the stern tubes resulted before the shafts could be stopped (Photos 67, 68). Minor structural failure occurred at frame 30. Within two minutes, extensive flooding aft reduced the draft forward to 6' and caused a 5° port list that brought the deck edge aft of frame 172 flush with the water. By 0600 damage control measures undertaken by F00TE had removed the list and restored 6" freeboard aft. F00TE was taken under tow at 0638 and arrived at Purvis Bay, Florida Island, Solonon Islands at 1500, 4 November. Enroute, the freeboard aft had been increased 2" by cutting away 75 square feet of damaged main deck plating and jettisoning damaged equipment. 2. At Purvis Bay, where no drydocking facilities were available, WHITNEY (AD 4) made temporary repairs to improve strength and make FOOTE seaworthy for tow. Divers examined the underwater body thoroughly and established that the hull was intact forward of frame 157. Other measures undertaken were:
3. FOOTE was taken under tow for Espiritu Santos on 23 November. Enroute, FOOTE yawed excessively, apparently as the result of removing the damaged structure aft. At Espiritu Santos, FOOTE was placed in drydock and the following repairs were made by DIXIE (AD 14). 4.
Photo 66: USS FOOTE (DD 511) View from starboard quarter after arrival - Purvis Bay, Tulagi . |
Photo 67: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Wrinkles in shell plating frame 163, port. Damaged plating in way of port shaft can be seen at lower right corner. Note external longitudinal stiffener on sheer strake installed at Purvis Bay. |
Photo 68: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Damage to shell caused by starboard shaft. |
Photo 69: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Condition of stern after repairs by WHITNEY. Taken in drydock at Espiritu Sento. |
Photo 70: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Looking forward at completed 10# bulkhead of stern cofferdam. Note termination of skeg at frame 177. Note 15# fins stiffened on inboard side by two 4" L, five 12" x 15# brackets to shell, two 3 1/2 pipe struts to keel. See Plate 36. |
Photo 70: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Looking inboard at port towing fin. |
Photo 70: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Flush patch over starboard stern tube./TD> | |
Plate 33: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Torpedo Damage |
Plate 34: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Reinforcement of main deck & sheet strake |
Plate 35: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Stern Cofferdam |
Plate 34: USS FOOTE (DD 511) Detail of repair to shell in way of starboard shaft. |
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