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1. During the period December 1 to 8, 1942, the U.S.S. LST 387 was loaded with representative types of equipment intended to be used in the subject project. Unloading exercises were conducted on two types of beach, - one shallow, where the ship grounded some distance from shore, and the other steep-to, where the ship could drop her bow ramp practically on the beach. In the first exercise the bow ramp was extended by sinking pontoon lighters in place to form a bridge to the shore. Upon beaching, in each case, the draft of the ship was five and one-half feet forward and twelve feet aft. 2. The results of these exercises indicate that the tank landing ship, LST, is admirably suited to the purpose of getting ashore rapidly the equipment and materials for establishing an airfield. All equipment tentatively assigned the ACORN, GOLD, will pass successfully over the ramp and through the bow door of the LST. Handling of the bulk cargo can be done rapidly by making it up into units lashed to "pallets", by moving and lifting these units within the ship, using gasoline-driven fork trucks, and by employing the expedition's trucks and trailers to make repeated trips from the cargo space of the ship to dispersion points ashore. It appears entirely practical to beach the LST, discharge her cargo and get her clear of the beach overnight. Based on time studies the entire cargo can be gotten out and dispersed ashore in from six, to seven and one-half, hours. 3. To ensure the success of the landing contemplated, a careful reconnaissance of the beach must be made. Ranges must be set up for the grounding of the several LST's with careful regard to the beach slope, absence of obstructions and the satisfactory nature of the adjoining terrain for dispersing materials and providing a satisfactory route to the field site. It is necessary also S E C R E T |
SECRET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -that each ship be loaded carefully in accordance with a predetermined plan which will ensure both a satisfactory draft and trim, and further, a proper accessibility of the various components of the cargo. Finally, it is necessary that the landing party and the ship's crew be trained thoroughly for the task. 4. A complete motion picture record of the experiment was made and will be available soon. 5. Based on the results of the subject experiment final revised allowance lists have been compiled and detailed loading diagrams for a division of six LST's is being prepared in the Navy Department. Training will be undertaken on the West Coast for the first ACORN which can be equipped and made available. It is desired to combine this training with the training of the west Coast LST's. 6. Transmission of this letter by registered mail within the Continental Limits of the United States is hereby authorized. F. J. HORNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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