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1. In reference (d), the Commandant, Navy Yard, Mare Island, stated that the HELENA requisition for dark gray paint, reference (b), has been cancelled because th Bureau of Ships in reference (c) had directed the Yard to discontinue the manufacture of dark gray paint, formula 5-D. The Commandant stated that the Yard was directed to continue manufacture of white untinted base, formula 5-U, and also to manufacture for issue blue-black composite paste, formula 5-TN. It was further stated various shades of exterior paint could be obtained with mixtures as follows: To obtain haze-gray, add 2 Pts. 5-TM to 5 Gals. 5-U. 2. Information has been received that "sea-blue" paint corresponds to and will replace the present dark gray paint, formula 5-D. 3. In reply to reference (e), the Commanding Officer is directed to obtain the necessary materials for an initial, and one subsequent, painting of the HELENA with "sea-blue" paint, mixed in accordance with the formula given above; turn into store at Navy Yard, Mare Island, any dark gray materials now on hand; and have the HELENA completely painted "sea blue" including masts and superstructure and - 1 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - omitting the painted bow wave, prior to departure from the Navy Yard. The provisions of reference (a), with respect to the HELENA, are hearby modified accordingly.
H. P. LEARY Copy to:CinCpac Combatfor Comdt.,NYd,M.I. Comdt.,NYd,Pearl.
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