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Section 336 S19-7(336) 22 JUN 1944
1. During his recent visit to the Bureau, the Yard's representative (Lt. Andrews) was handed color chips indicating several new shades of gray paint to which prospective camouflage designs will refer. 2. It is requested that manufacturing formulas be initially developed to be followed later by specifications which will cover the several shades requested. Discussion in the Bureau indicated that it might be feasible to reproduce these shades by appropriate mixtures of white paint, specification 52P25, and black paint, formula 104. What is desired is that the manufacturing formulas shall produce products having reflectances identical with the other chips handed to the representative. The precise hue need not be matched. 3. The cost of this investigation is chargeable to project order number 457/44 and priority "A" is assigned. 4. Sample paints prepared by Submarine Forces, Pacific, are forwarded under separate cover and ????? to be identical with the color chips handed the Yard representative. It is understood that these ??? samples have been prepared from the white base and Mare Island manufacturered black paint for submarines, formlua ??? By direction of
National Archives & Records Administration, College Park
Record Group 19, Bureau of Ships General Correspondence Files, 1940-45
Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.