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Dec., 17, 1941
2. Detail information as required by reference (c) is as follows:
(a) General (All Battle Damage) (b) Bomb Hits (Only the 1st and 8th hits actually happened) - 1 - |
(4) One bomb, approx. 1000 lb, hit on the boat deck just fwd of stack, at Fr. 67. Width of hole on boat deck is approx, four feet, depth of penetration is not known. (c) From the report of the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Vestal, which was moored alongside of the Arizona, to port, bow to stern, the Arizona apparently sustained a torpedo hit abt Fr. 35, port side. Damaged caused by this torpedo hit cannot be determined as the ship in this area has been completely destroyed. The outboard fuel oil tanks were filled to 95% capacity in the area of the possible torpedo hit. 3. The ship, at the start of the attack, was in material condition X-Ray with usual water-tight doors closed below the 3rd deck, except air ports above water-line were open. Material condition ZED has been partially set during the action before the ship was destroyed. 4. The after magazines were voluntarily flooded during the attack.
National Archives & Records Administration, College Park
Record Group 19, War Damage Reports & Related Records, 1942-49
Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.