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7 October, 1943. C-L11-1/BB/NYIO
Serial Y-02149

From: Commandant, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor.
To: The Chief of the Bureau of Ships.
Subj: U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
Refs: (a) Buships ltr. C-BB39/L11-1(370) of 14 June, 1943.
  (b) CO., U.S.S. ARIZONA, ltr. of 17 Dec, 1941 to Combatfor.

1.     Enclosures (1) to (5) and the information in the following paragraphs are forwarded in reply to reference (a) which requested data upon which to base a study as to the causes of the loss of the subject vessel.

2.     The information shown on enclosure (1) and that given below for the underwater condition of the ship are based on observations during the following operations:-

(a) Examinations by enlisted divers of both starboard and port sides of the ship above the mudline from bow to stern; and, by the use of a high pressure excavating nozzle, below the mudline forward of Fr. 70 down to about 10 feet inboard of the turn of the bilge on each side of the ship. The examinations above the mudline forward of Fr. 78 were duplicated by Pacific Bridge Company civilian divers. Both enlisted and Navy Yard civilian divers were employed in cutting sway wreckage projecting beyond the sides of the ship forward of Fr. 70, port and starboard.

(b) Interior diving by enlisted personnel to determine the extent of damage in the vicinity of bulkhead 78 shown on enclosure (2).

(c) Interior diving by Yard civilian divers from Fr. 78 forward to the bow for the recovery of structural wreckage for scrap, and for the removal of the conning tower, upper section of armor tube, and adjacent structure to clear for the removal of the 14" guns through the rear of turret #2.

(d) Interior diving by enlisted and Yard civilian personnel aft of Fr. 88 as far down as the 2nd platform in connection with recovery of certain items of material, and in connection with items (e),(f), and (g) below.


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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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(e) Unwatering by pumping of barbettes #3 and #4 and of the after magazines on the 1st and 2nd platforms to a level about 4 feet below the 1st platform for the recovery of all ammunition from stowages on both levels and of all projectiles from turrets #3 and by personnel working in air masks.

(f) The unwatering by pumping of the stern airplane crane machinery spaces on the 2nd and 3rd decks and the recovery of all machinery therefrom.

(g) The unwatering by pumping of the gun chamber and gun-pit in turret #2, and the recovery of guns, slides, deck lugs, and other equipment therefrom.

3.     Further extensive diving operations, including the removal of considerable structural wreckage, would be necessary to determine in greater detail the damage to interior of the forward part of the ship; and it appears doubtful, due to limited underwater visibility and the wrecked condition of this part of the ship that sufficient additional information would be developed to justify the lengthy investigation that would be necessary. Underwater photography in salvage operations in Pearl Harbor has not been thus far successful in recording information of any value. Accordingly, no further investigations by divers on the Arizona are proposed pending possible instructions from the Bureau.

4.     In reply to the specific questions listed in paragraphs 1 (a) to (d) of reference (a), the following information is furnished:-

(a) Due to the structural wreckage and debris in the forward part of the ship, it has been impracticable to determine the path of entry of the bomb that is reported in reference (b) to have struck the ship near turret #2. It appears probable, due to the greater structural damage forward of turret #1, especially on the port side, that the bomb may have penetrated on the port side of turret #1. (later analysis has placed this hit starboard of centerline)

(b) It is believed from conversations with personnel that was attached to the ship at that time, that the contents of the forward magazines prior to the attack on 7 December, 1941, were about as follows:-

(1) 308 - 14" shells in each turret, Nos. 1 and 2, on turret shell decks and in handling rooms, 1st platform.

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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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(2) 616 cans of smokeless powder for each turret, Nos. 1 and 2, distributed in six accommodating magazines, A-424-M, A-420-M, A-414-M, A-413-M, A-421-M, and A-423-M, 1st platform.

(3) 25 - 25# cans and 150 - 3# charges of black powder between Nos. 1 and 2 turrets in the black powder magazine A-415-M, 1st platform.

(4) 3500 cans of 5" - 51 caliber smokeless powder in the 5" powder magazines forward. Powder about equally distributed between magazines on 1st and 2nd platforms, A-432-M, A-431-M, and A-324-M.

(5) Approximately 300,000 rounds 50 caliber AA ammunition in forward 50 caliber magazine, A-408-M.

(6) Approximately 3500 - 5" 51 caliber projectiles in ammunition passages amidships, B-504-M and B-505-M, 3rd deck.

(7) Small arms ammunition, approximately 100,000 rounds of 30 caliber, 5000 rounds of 45 caliber, and 1000 service primers, in A-417-M, 1st platform.

(8) 75 - 14" primers in each turret, Nos. 1 and 2, gun chamber.

(9) 50 electrical detonators in trunk A-511-2-T, 3rd deck.

(c) It appears that the explosion in the forward magazines was vented through the sides of the ship from about Fr. 10 to about Fr. 70 and upward through the decks forward of turret #1. Due to the general extent of interior damage between Frs. 10 and 70, it is difficult to determine the exact magazines in which high order detonation took place, although the more severe damage is between about Frs, 10 and 33.

(d) The following remnants of ammunition were found on and in the vicinity of the ship:

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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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(1) Unburned 14" powder grains were found on the quarterdeck of the U.S.S. Tennessee moored at berth F-6 forward of the U.S.S. Arizona, a distance of approximately 400'; on Ford Island, approximately 500' from the shoreline, or a total distance of approximately 900' from the ship; over the unburned portions of the Arizona and in the mud and wreckage in and around the ship.

(2) A 14" powder can was found in the bottom of the conning tower tube above the hatch opening.

(3) Exploded 5" 51 caliber powder cans were found along the beach on Ford Island, a distance of 350'-400'; on top of the forward quay F-7-S, to which the ship was moored; and in the mud around the sides of the ship.

(4) Unexploded 5" 51 caliber projectiles were found in the mud over the starboard side opposite Frs. 54-65 and in the after portion of compartments E-504-M and B-505-M. (Interstingly, a sailor who was 5"/51 gunner reported being blown out through the casemate opening for his gun on the starboard side in the book "The USS Arizona" by Jasper, Delgado, & Abrams)

(e) No intact ammunition has been recovered from the forward part of the ship.

5.     As requested in paragraph 1 (e) of reference (a), enclosures (1), (2), and (5) are forwarded to indicate the major damage resulting from the bomb hits and the subsequent explosion in the forward magazines. The following supplementary information relative to the damage is furnished from divers' reports, proceeding generally from aft forward:-

(a) Except for the interior damage indicated on enclosure (2), the ship aft of Fr. 78 is essentially intact.

(b) No evidence of torpedo hits has been found, although the condition of the flat of the bottom forward inboard of the areas searched as described in paragraph 2 (a) is not known. The bottom structure in the forward part of the ship is not accessible from inside and is embedded in the mud outside.

(c) The armor belt and blister are essentially in place except for the damage indicated on enclosure (2).

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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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(d) In connection with the interior diving listed in paragraph 2 (b) above, because of wreckage the divers were not able to penetrate farther forward than Fr. 76 on the main and 2nd decks and not forward of bulkhead 78 below the 3rd deck. However, on the 3rd deck in ammunition passageways A-504-M and A-505-M access was possible as far forward as Pr. 65. In these spaces the 2nd deck sloped down forward and the 3rd deck was split and blown upward generally. No access could be gained to the firemen's passage, C-501, on the 3rd deck.

(e) Beginning at about Fr. 62, port and starboard, the sides of the ship from the top of the armor to the upper deck began to bulge outward; and proceeding forward, this bulging and tearing away from the internal structure is increased so that between Frs. 50 and 10 the sides were blown outward almost to a horizontal position with portions of the upper and main decks attached in some areas between Frs. 34 and 10.

(f) The decks have collapsed and slope downward from about Fr. 76 forward to about Fr. 34. Between Frs. 45 and 34, the upper deck is about 3 feet below the top of the armor on the starboard side and approximately at the top of the armor on the port side.

(g) Divers located, but, due to wreckage below, were unable to enter the hatch at Fr. 41 on the starboard side of the upper deck. They were able to reach the 2nd deck through the corresponding hatch on the port side, but could not leave the immediate vicinity on either the main or 2nd deck due to wreckage and floating lumber.

(h) The uptake armor, conning tower and armor tube, and turrets #1 and #2 have dropped from their normal positions as indicated on enclosure (2).

(i) The uptake armor grating in the main deck was examined as far as wreckage of the uptakes would permit and it is believed to be intact.

(j) Wreckage below the hatch in the bottom of the C.T. armor tube prevented the diver from leaving the immediate vicinity. Access to the hatch was gained down the inside

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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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of the tube after removal of the conning tower.

(k) No damage was found in the gun chamber and gunpit in turret #2 when they were unwatered by pumping in connection with the removal of guns, slides, and related equipment.

(1) The upper deck between Frs. 10 and 34, including wildcats and shafts, was rolled forward and otherwise blown out as indicated on enclosure (2). Portions of the main and 2nd decks from about Frs. 10 to 20 were blown forward with the upper deck. Otherwise, due to the confused conditions in this area (Frs. 10-34) and to the poor underwater visibility, it has not been practicable to identify the various structural members. What appears to be a portion of the 2nd deck plating is about 8 feet below the top of the armor on the starboard side, and on the port side the general level of the wreckage is considerably lower. At the centerline at the forward edge of #1 barbette the level of the wreckage is about 28 feet below the top of the barbette. The worm and wheel assemblies for the starboard and center windlasses were found still bolted to a portion of the 3rd deck, and the port assembly was missing.

Captain, USN
By direction

cc: Buord

P.H.# Buships# Title
Encl. 1. BB39-11/1-1 551335 U.S.S.ARIZONA - Estimated Condition as of 15 May, 1942.
   (No.& Kind: 1 Vd)
2. BB39-S1101 116057 U.S.S.ARIZONA - War Damage Investigation as of August, 1943.
   (No.& Kind: 1 Vd)
3. 1 copy of reference (b).
4. 1 copy each of statements from eleven (11) survivors of U.S.S. ARIZONA, relative to Japanese attack on 7 December, 1941.

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7 October, 1943.

Subj:      U.S.S. ARIZONA (BB39) - War Damage Report.
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      5.  Photographs (7) showing original and present condition of U.S.S. ARIZONA after damage on 7 December, 1941:-
                 2 dated 10 December, 1941
1 dated 12 December, 1941
1 dated 17 February, 1942
2 dated 18 May, 1942
1 (NASPR #119574) dated 20 Sept., 1943.














National Archives & Records Administration, College Park
Record Group 19, War Damage Reports & Related Records, 1942-49

Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.

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