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1. In response to paragraph 6 of reference (a), it is stated that the first shipment of Old Abe Lamp Black will arrive at the Navy Yard on April l8 or 19. As the Micatone is available, manufacture of #5 B.P. (Black Paste) will begin on 21 April 194l and delivery will be made to the Supply Officer for further disposition on 23 April. 2. It is intended to manufacture only such quantities of #5 B.P. as will be required to tint sufficient amounts of the present light gray paint as will be used prior to the manufacture of the dark gray paint #5D. 3. Owing to the lack of necessary ingredients required in the manufacturing formula 5D, 5U, and 5TM, it is not possible to set a definite manufacturing date at this time. It is noted in reference (b) that the ingredients required for the above formulas were advertised in schedule 6503, opening 29 April 19141. 4. A despatch from INSMAT Cincinnati, dated 11 April 1941, enclosure (A), states that the zinc oxide, contract #83310, cannot be delivered prior to 20 July 1941. 5. It is requested that if available, the Norfolk Navy Yard be directed to supply Mare Island with a sufficient amount of zinc oxide, Specs. 52Z7, in order that manufacture of the various paints may be commenced upon receipt of the other material on schedule 6503. It is further requested that all shipments of material be made by fast rail transportation. Advice on Bureau action is requested.
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