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CinC Lant File


U. S. S. AUGUSTA, (Flagship)

CONFIDENTIAL Care of Postmaster, New York. N. Y.,
July 19, 1941.


From: Commander-in-Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet
Subject: Camouflage Painting of Surface Ships.
Reference:   Confidential Publication. "Ship Camouflage Instructions". (Short Title. Ships - 2).

     1.    The reference prescribes three camouflage paints other than black, namely, dark gray, ocean gray. light gray. The Bureau of Ships now has in hand the development of substitutes for dark gray and light gray, namely, sea blue and haze gray. The present and prospective paints are. in tabular form:

 Present   Prospective
dark gray sea blue
ocean gray ocean gray
light gray haze gray

     2.    There has been authorized a composite style of camouflage painting - styled measure 12 - which will be reasonably effective in all latitudes and in all conditions of visibility, namely -

(a) hull to level of first continuous sheer (deck) line - sea blue (dark gray); N. B.-In carriers, the hanger deck will be considered "first continuous sheer line".

(b) (1) superstructure - above line of sea blue (dark gray) of (a) -to level of top of high turret(s) or equivalent - sea blue (dark gray);
(2) all masses (whether solid or "clustered") above the turret level without regard thereto - ocean gray;

(c) pole masts and their yards - and slender upper works above (b) -haze gray (light gray).

     3.    In order that a useful amount of experience may be gained and pending the availability of "sea blue" and "haze gray", all ships (except Greenland Patrol) will, not later than the next time of painting and earlier as practicable, paint to conform to the composite style (measure 12) of paragraph 2. This change in painting may be done gradually, as by extending the dark upwards to the level prescribed in 2(a) and by filling in the ocean gray as prescribed in 2(b).

     4.    Paint or otherwise cover bright work on weather decks, outside of superstructures, etc. Black paint shall not be used except where specified in reference (a).

     5.    Instructions as to staining wood decks will be issued when suitable stains become available. All metal decks and other horizontal surfaces will be painted as directed in the reference.

     6.    Previous instructions as to camouflage painting of surface ships of this Fleet are hereby cancelled.


   (Atlantic List)  List II. Case 2. AI, AM. AX
   (Pacific List)   List I, Case 1, 0.
   Special:  AAA1 (10), EN3, EN7 (5 each).

Flag Secretary


National Archives & Records Administration, College Park
Record Group 19, Bureau of Ships General Correspondence Files, 1940-45
COpy in RG 313, Red 1 CinCLant Confidential & Restricted Files 1941-43

Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.

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