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1.The suggestion of the Bureau of Ships contained in reference (b) that certain ordnance equipment be painted Deck Blue, Formula 20-B, Munsell notation 5PB3/4, was considered in the preparation of reference (a). This practice is not considered desirable because ordnance equipment is frequently collected in pools rather than being assigned to specific ships, and it is impossible to determine in advance to what ship invidivual items may be eventually assigned. It is understood that the color of paints used varies among the several Fleets and Forces and that this would require repainting each equipment to conform with the current standards. 2.Inspection of Bureau of Ships "Ship Camouflage Instructions United States Navy" indicates that the major part of ordnance equipment will be installed in the "Ocean Gray" zone. Therefore, this color was chosen to minimize the amount of painting required.
W. H. P. Blandy
Via Ron Smith:
National Archives & Records Administration, College Park
Record Group 19, General Correspondence
Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.