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1. Reference (a) is cancelled & superseded by this letter. 2. In accordance with reference (b), enclosures (B) through (D) cancel and supersede all previous instructions for camouflage painting of PT's assigned to the Pacific. Pattern camouflage, in compliance with enclosures (B) through (D), should be applied to subject vessels under construction at the first opportunity. This design should be applied to PT's in service when repainting is necessary.
C-PT/S19(631-516-816) CONFIDENTIAL 3. The provisions of reference (c) should be followed in applying and reporting this camouflage painting. 4. Countershading should be omitted on ships camouflaged with design 31/20L.
E. W. Sylvester By direction of Chief of Bureau
Subject: Camouflage Designs - Recommendations for. 3. It is requested that the Bureau promulgate copies of enclosures (B) - (I), inclusive, to building and repair activities concerned for use in applying the new designs for the vessels illustrated which are assigned to the Pacific Fleet. It is also requested that previous instructions for these vessels be cancelled. However, it is considered unnecessary for vessels painted in accordance with existing directives to apply the new designs prior to the time that repainting is required for preservation purposes. 4. In view of the standardized pattern for the types involved, it is considered advisable for simplicity to forward the enclosures provided direct to painting agencies rather than to individual vessels. Where hull shapes different from those illustrated occur in any given type, it is requested that the basic design, enclosure (A), merely be superimposed on the silhouette to form the pattern. /S/ H. T. SMITH By direction.
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