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1. Reference (a) is cancelled and superseded by this letter 2. The following camouflage measures shall be used for vessels of the Active and Reserve Fleets.
3. Measure 13 as now defined is described below:
4. Measure 32/3SS-B for submarines is described in reference (b). 5. For peacetime operation, camouflage painting of wood decks will be discontinued. This omission applies only to painting for camouflage purposes and not to preservative painting required by reference (c), as in the case of uncalked decks of wooden vessels. Wood flight decks of carriers will be stained with Formula 21 and Submarine weather decking will be painted black in accordance with reference (c).
6. Repainting, where required in accordance with these instructions, is to be accomplished ONLY when general exterior painting is needed. Reduction in use of exterior paints to a minimum consistent with preservation is desired for conservation of funds and material. It is emphasized that painting required for preservation purposes should be confined to touch up of existing paint coatings wherever practicable. In this connection attention is invited to reference (d). 7. Instructions herein do not apply to ships of the Inactive Fleet.
Transcribed by RESEARCHER @ LARGE. Formatting & Comments Copyright R@L.