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1. For camouflage of submarines other than guppies or guppy types, reference (a) permits the employment of either Measure 32/3SS-B or Measure 32/9SS at the discretion of the Type Commander. For guppy type submarines, reference (b) perscribes the basic dark gray camouflage Measure 32/9SS, with slight modifications required to adapt this measure to the modified superstructure lines.
C-SS/S19-(631-515) CONFIDENTIAL 2. It is desired that the subject submarines employ only the dark gray camouflage measure. The optional use of Measure 32/3SS-B, as permitted by reference (a), is not recommended for these ships. 3. By a procedure similar to that described in reference (b), each of the subject submarines will be furnished with a scale model showing how that particular submarine is to be painted, and indicating the paint required for each surface. Should this model not have been received at the time any of the subject submarines requires repainting or extensive topside touch-up which would warrant changeover to Measure 32/9SS, it is desired that the modified measure, as described in reference (b), be employed. 3. This supplements instructions in separate correspondence to the Commander, San Francisco Naval Shipyard, regarding camouflage painting of USS SEA LION(SS315). R. L. Swart CC:CNO
1. In acordance with paragraph 2 of reference (c), reference (a) is hereby modified by the following instructions as applied to the subject vessels. Reference (a), which outlined the general post-war camouflage policy, was addressed to all Type Commanders, among others, but not to individual vessels. 2. Models have been or are being forwarded to each Guppy-type submarine to illustrate how each submarine of this type is to be painted and the paint required. The paint scheme is designed for maximum concealment when submerged and is based upon concealment camouflage measure 32/9SS, known during the war as the "Dark-Gray Camouflage". As shown on the models, the basic measure has been individually adapted to conform to the construction characteristics of each Guppy-type submarine, including classes SS346, SS482, SS484, and SS487. The design is simplified to obtain highest efficiency with fewer shades of paint. White, pale-gray, light-gray, haze-gray and ocean-gray shades previously used in Measure 32/9SS have been eliminated for Guppies since radical changes in construction have done away with the necessity for the lighter shades. Because the sides are sloped, fencing somewhat upward away from the vertical, the basic paint shade is the dark Outside Gray
C-SS/L9-3(6JI-515) CONFIDENTIAL No. 11, Stock No. 52-P-5086-5. The intermediate shades of gray formerly used between the dull-black edging the main deck and the paint used on the sides have been eliminated. All intermediate shading will be accomplished by gradually extending a feathered edge of dull black into the dark-gray area. 3. Camouflage of the subject ships requires only the following paints :-
(*This stock number applies only to one-gallon cans. The Bureau of Ships has initiated a change to provide Black Striping Paint in five-gallon buckets. The same paint in the larger container will have a slightly different stock number.) The dark Outside Gray No. 11, Navy Specification 52-P-49 is incorrectly listed as "Light Gray No. 11" on Page 12, August 1945 edition of the Class 52, Catalog of Navy Material. Actually, the "Outside Gray No. 11 is 60% darker than the basic shade of the light wartime measure Haze Gray, and it is 35% darker than the dark wartime measure Ocean Gray. In the event that Outside Gray No. 11 is not immediately available in stock, the same shade can be obtained by mixing Dull Black, Stock No. 52-P-5075, or Black, Stock No. 52-P-4955, with either Haze Gray or Ocean Gray. Similarly, should Black Striping Paint, Stock No. 52-P-7810., not be available, an acceptable glossy black can be obtained by combining equal parts of Black Deck Paint, Stock No. 52-P-l386 and Anchor-Chain Paint, Stock No. 52-P-175. 4. Dull Black, Stock, No. 52-P-5075, is used on all curving surfaces which face generally upward. The glossy Black striping Paint, Stock No. 52-P-7810, is used on all flat horizontal surfaces which face directly upward, or nearly so, including the main deck. Glossy Black should never be used on rounded surfaces. For this reason a margin of allowance has been made on the outer edges of the main deck. Consequently, this design requires that a solid coat of Dull Black shall start two feet within the edge of the flat horizontal portion of the main deck and extend outward and downward over the rounded shoulder to the beginning of the flat portion of the side. Immediately below this solid black area, a gradation from black to the gray on the side will be accomplished by merely
C-SS/L9-3(6JI-515) CONFIDENTIAL allowing the lower edge of the spray to fall below the curved portion onto the flat side. In order to achieve a good job of grading it will be necessary to aim the spray gun directly along the line where the rounded shoulder joins the flat side below it. The stroke should be from side to side, rather than vertical. In all spray painting the gun should always be held approximately 9 inches from and aimed directly at the surface to be painted. 5. In all submarine painting, special caution is urged regarding the following points:-
Violation or disregard of the above instructions are the principal causes for peeling paint. Bare spots, resultant from peeling materially increase exposure to detection by radar and by MAD (Magnetic Anomoly Detector - basically a sensitive instrument that could detect minute changes in the magnetic field of earth caused by the steel of a submarine hull) as well as by visual means. Attention is also invited to reference (b), adherence to which will ensure the most efficient performance of the paint system. 6. It is intended that each of the models forwarded as noted herein will be retained aboard the submarine for which designed. In the event that an occasion arises for camouflage painting to be accomplished by a repair activity other than ship's force, such activity should be furnished with pertinent information contained in this letter and be given access to the model for guidance. S. N. Pyne
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